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Annual Subscriptions

Subs are due 1st January.

Any member who fails to pay their annual subscription by 31st March will automatically cease to be a member.


Joining Fee - £20


£10 payment by standing order,

£12 payment by cheque

(cheque payable to YRFTS)


Single – (between 16 and 21 years)  £5

Joint - £12

Junior (up to 16 years) £5

Life - £150 


Joining Fee

You will need to pay the joining fee £20 plus one of the membership subscriptions that you require. 


Annual Fees

should be paid by Standing Order whenever possible

£10 or by Cheque £12 – please send to Neil Colver, our Treasurer. 


Membership Application forms to be sent to the Society's General & Membership Secretary Lynda Carr.

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